Похоже, не только я верю в аферистов.
Посмотрите, что прислал нам один из украинских коллег.
Как это перекликается с давнишним рассказом об итальянских "сплавах".

"An Italian politician facing charges of corruption has also been found guilty of cheating at chess and become the first member on record to be kicked out of the Italian Chess Federation.
Посмотрите, что прислал нам один из украинских коллег.
Как это перекликается с давнишним рассказом об итальянских "сплавах".
"An Italian politician facing charges of corruption has also been found guilty of cheating at chess and become the first member on record to be kicked out of the Italian Chess Federation.
A former mayor of the northern town of Buccinasco, near Milan, Loris Cereda, has been banned for allegedly using dark glasses that had been fitted with a hidden micro camera at three tournament games."

Former Buccinasco mayor Loris Cereda playing chess (Scacchierando Blog)
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