For American readers.
Recently, once again, I heard about prices of individual lessons in the United States.
Figures were 50-180 (!!!) $ per hour.

Shpilki.NETRecently, once again, I heard about prices of individual lessons in the United States.
Figures were 50-180 (!!!) $ per hour.

Well, the country is rich.
Therefore, it is strange to hear when the residents of Los Angeles, for example, begin to moan: what is the discount? How much will a package of "many lessons” cost?
It looks something like this.
Well, our price much cheaper. And the qualification is, nevertheless, not FM. This title now can the make almost any amateur, for "respect".
In recent months, several times have been dealing with Americans. Most of them turned out to be quite "economical".
Friends, if you want to study the opening, then I warn you in advance: in 1-2 hours it is unrealistic.
Hope for understanding.
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