Unlike cheaters, the strongest grandmasters of the World make quite a lot of mistakes.

Here is a fragment from the book:
"Inside the main game there
are two fragments inserted in which Black also experienced some problems.
52. Ivanchuk,V (2768) - Sutovsky,E (2700)
FIDE World Cup 2011 Khanty-Mansiysk RUS (3.1),
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.f3
e5 6.Nb3 Be7 7.c4 a5 8.Be3 a4 9.Nc1
knight starts his trip on the route Nb3-c1–e2, later - depending on the
circumstances. 9...Qa5+
[9...Be6 10.Na3 Nc6 11.Bd3 Nh5 12.Ne2 Bg5 13.Bf2
Qa5+ 14.Nc3 Nf4 15.0–0 0–0 16.Re1 Qb4 17.Bf1 Nd4 (17...Qxb2 18.Nab5+/=) 18.Rb1
Bd8 19.g3+/= 1/2 Lima,D (2525)-Dominguez Perez,L (2534)/Merida 2000); 9...Nc6
10.Bd3 Qa5+ 11.Qd2 Bd8 12.Ne2 Be6 13.Na3 Bb6 14.Qxa5 Bxa5+ 15.Nc3 Ke7 16.Ke2
Nd7 17.Nd5++/= 1–0 Mastrovasilis,D (2567)-Vouldis,A (2521)/Ermioni 2006]
Rather rare (in the given pawn structure) example of queens' exchange. It
became real because of the knight's route, as usually it occupies square d2. To
whose benefit is it? The white king seems to be not badly arranged in the
centre. But at full board he will be open to the attack later. 10...Bd8
11.Ne2 Be6 12.Na3
Please, don't be surprised, the unwritten rule "on
the edge of the board knight is badly placed" is not so timely here. The
negative of the swift а7-а5-а4 lies in weakening of the control over square b5. But
especially there the white piece is aimed to take place. Moreover, the sly
runner is ready to occupy square с4 when occasion offers (after c4:d5).
12...Qxd2+ 13.Kxd2
Ba5+ 14.Nc3 Having switched from poor stand b3 to the active c3 the knight
feels fine. 14...Nc6 15.Nab5+/=
Later you will be more than once
convinced that it is put very often here. A good square, as from here it
controls points d4, d6, c7,c3... And it's difficult to chase the horse away
because a-pawn has run ahead and c-pawn is initially absent in the Sicilian Defence.
J 15...Ke7 16.Be2 Rhc8 17.Rhc1 Yes, in similar
structures it's more reasonable to put on c1 this rook exactly, because fighting
is going on queenside, as a rule. Besides, the white king which afterwards retreats
to the 1st rank won't disturb anybody. [17.b3] 17...Bb4 18.Rab1 Nd7 19.Ke1
Thematically, you will also see alike manoeuvres in
many games. It's a natural Black's wish - to trade dark-squared bishops. Then
black points of the opponent (d4, e3...) will be weakened. [Pressure on с4-pawn,
by no means forces the weakening b2-b3, for instance 19...Na5 20.Bd2 and not
good 20...Nxc4? 21.Nd5+ Bxd5 22.Bxb4 Be6 23.b3 axb3 24.axb3+/=] 20.Bf2 Na5?!
[More solid 20...Bxf2+ 21.Kxf2 Na7+/=] 21.Nd5+ Bxd5 22.cxd5 g6 23.Bh4+
bounce applied by White in such pawn structures periodically. Sometimes it's
auspicious to save bishops 23...f6 24.Kd2 [Looks more definite 24.Bd3!?
with the idea to put the king on e2, then dark-square bishop could use squares
e1 and f2. Bishop d3 would prevent programmatic f6-f5] 24...g5 25.Bg3 f5!? Here
Black obtains counterplay 26.exf5 Nf6 27.Nc3 Bb4 28.Kd3 [28.h4] 28...Rc4
29.Bf2 Rac8 30.Be3 As far as I remember, time-trouble was already raging
with all ensuing consequences. [30.Kc2] 30...a3?
[Right 30...h6] 31.Nb5? [Looked vigorous
31.Ne4! Nxd5 32.Bxg5+ Kf8 33.Rxc4 Nxc4 34.bxa3±] 31...axb2 32.Rxc4 [32.Rxb2
Rxc1 33.Rxb4 unclear] 32...Nxc4 33.Bxg5 It is hard to evaluate the
position exactly. Only the white king's discomfort under the fire of enemy
pieces can be definitely stated. 33...e4+! 34.Kd4 Na3
Crucial moment 35.Nxa3? [It was quite possible
to hold the line 35.Bxf6+ the only move Kxf6 36.Nxa3 exf3 37.Bxf3 Bxa3
38.Be4=/+] 35...Bc5+! Murderous intermediate check. At the presence of
f6-knight (though pinned but alive) the king can't capture e4-pawn. 36.Kc3
Bxa3+ 37.Bc4 [37.Kb3 Rc1 38.Bxc1 bxc1Q 39.Rxc1 Bxc1–+ Great deal of white
pawns can hardly rescue. As the opponent is absolute monopolist on black
squares] 37...b5 38.Kb3 bxc4+ 39.Kxa3 c3 40.fxe4 Rb8
The titanic
struggle of chess gladiators represents a considerable number of mistakes even
on such a great level. That's why when players with ELO rating below 2200–2300
deliver games about 60 moves up to the "Houdini" first line (in
recent years it happens more and more often) unwitting doubts creep in. 0–1 "
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