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Обычно это позитив или предложение сделать добавки в следующие версии.
Критика в СМИ примерно 60/40(негатив).
Последнее письмо из США было очень приятным (имя автора не стану раскрывать)
Если мы верно поняли, шахматный тренер применяет наши произведения в обучении.

"Dear GM Kasparov,
Обычно это позитив или предложение сделать добавки в следующие версии.
Критика в СМИ примерно 60/40(негатив).
Последнее письмо из США было очень приятным (имя автора не стану раскрывать)
Если мы верно поняли, шахматный тренер применяет наши произведения в обучении.

"Dear GM Kasparov,
I want to thank you for your exceptional books - your writing is first rate, the topics are practical and of importance to chess players and the high quality examples from your play and other games that you use.
I have just recently received a copy of your latest book The Bishop - Danger on the Diagonal. It was very well written and packed with great insights and instruction. I am very enthusiastic about this book!
I refer to three of your books in my personal study and training - The Bishop, Doubled Pawns - A Practical Guide, and The Exchange Sacrifice. I deeply appreciate the hard work and time you put forth in writing these books. I will certainly encourage my students and colleagues to get a copy as well.
Your book Understanding the Scandinavian is one I frequently study as well. It is an excellent back - up weapon in my repertoire. Are you planning to write a second edition of this book?
Perhaps one day we will meet in Europe. I plan to return to active tournament chess now as a 'senior'. Your books have been very helpful in my training!
Thank you!
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